Featured image for “Trade War – A Game of Chicken”

Trade War – A Game of Chicken

Trade War – A Game of Chicken In a car game of chicken, only 2 possible outcomes exist. Either someone gives up and swerves away in time to avoid the
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Featured image for “Q1 2019 Market Update & Vision Recap”

Q1 2019 Market Update & Vision Recap

Wow! What a run the market has been on recently. As of today (4/26/19), the Wilshire 5000 has increased +17.17% for the year, completing a rebound from the 4th quarter
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Featured image for “Evergreen Annual Letter – 2018”

Evergreen Annual Letter – 2018

2018 Year End Review and Forward Outlook After all the ups and downs of 2018, the US Stock market, as represented by the Wilshire 5000 index, ended the year down
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Featured image for “Market Volatility Update”

Market Volatility Update

The end of 2018 has not been pleasant for investors. Fears of weakening global economy, trade issues and rising rates have lead stock markets around the world to nosedive. The
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Featured image for “Q3 2018 Market Update”

Q3 2018 Market Update

Let me apologize for the delay in this quarterly update. With the elections, interest rate and trade announcements that were coming, I decided to drag my feet and release a
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Featured image for “Update on Volatility”

Update on Volatility

Management Update on Volatility (10-11-2018) Looks like markets are taking a much needed breather. Yesterday (October 11th), the S&P 500 dropped – 3.29%. From September 20th to October 11th the
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Featured image for “Is the Tide about to Change? – Value Stocks vs. Growth Stocks”

Is the Tide about to Change? – Value Stocks vs. Growth Stocks

Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked – Warren Buffet A classic stock investing debate has always existed between favoring more Growth-oriented companies or
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Featured image for “Q2 2018 Market Update”

Q2 2018 Market Update

Equity Markets rebounded in the second quarter, propelled by economic (GDP) growth of 4.1% Companies continued a strong run of solid earnings The valuation bar and expectations for the market
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Featured image for “Why Markets Must Go Up… Long Term”

Why Markets Must Go Up… Long Term

Ever asked the question WHY markets must go up? Have you ever thought the possibility exist for markets to crumble to 0 if the right conditions come about? As long-term
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