Featured image for “Independence Day – Principles of George Washington”

Independence Day – Principles of George Washington

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. The best holidays bring fellowship, remembrance, teachable moments, joyful events, and spiritual significance. I hope you enjoy this holiday and another Independence
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Featured image for “Independence Day – The Founding of our Freedom”

Independence Day – The Founding of our Freedom

Writing the Independence Day article for you each year is a true joy for me. What brings me more joy is your feedback expressing how much you enjoy these writings.
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Featured image for “Understanding Risk”

Understanding Risk

As we continue to tread in choppy waters, we embrace the concept that lower prices benefit net savers long term. Buying more of something while it’s on sale can be
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Featured image for “Inflation is Here – Now What?”

Inflation is Here – Now What?

Inflation is clearly a major problem in our country now. Our current inflation rate is 7.9% compared to 1.81% in 2019. How did we get here a

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Featured image for “Constitution Day – We are not a Democracy”

Constitution Day – We are not a Democracy

Over the years I have been writing an Independence Day article to remind us of the sacrifice our founding fathers made. In the article I…

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Featured image for “Independence Day – Slavery and the Original Declaration of Independence”

Independence Day – Slavery and the Original Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson wrote language into the original Declaration of Independence that had to be taken out in order to receive a unanimous vote.

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Featured image for “The Science of Hitting – Circle of Competence”

The Science of Hitting – Circle of Competence

We recently witnessed Tom Brady win his 7th super bowl, furthering the notion that he is the greatest of all time (GOAT) of the NFL. The…

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Featured image for “What does the upcoming election mean for investments?”

What does the upcoming election mean for investments?

It’s that time again; election time. We’ve received a good deal of questions from families regarding the possible fallout from the upcoming

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Featured image for “Independence Day – Divine Preservation”

Independence Day – Divine Preservation

Independence Day is approaching us, which means I get to share stories about our founding fathers that I believe most Americans have…

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