Featured image for “Independence Day – Principles of George Washington”

Independence Day – Principles of George Washington

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays. The best holidays bring fellowship, remembrance, teachable moments, joyful events, and spiritual significance. I hope you enjoy this holiday and another Independence
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Featured image for “Independence Day – The Founding of our Freedom”

Independence Day – The Founding of our Freedom

Writing the Independence Day article for you each year is a true joy for me. What brings me more joy is your feedback expressing how much you enjoy these writings.
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Featured image for “Independence Day – Slavery and the Original Declaration of Independence”

Independence Day – Slavery and the Original Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson wrote language into the original Declaration of Independence that had to be taken out in order to receive a unanimous vote.

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Featured image for “Independence Day – Divine Preservation”

Independence Day – Divine Preservation

Independence Day is approaching us, which means I get to share stories about our founding fathers that I believe most Americans have…

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Featured image for “Independence Day – Founding Frenemies”

Independence Day – Founding Frenemies

One of my favorite topics to research, learn, and talk about is the founding of the United States of America. I have the highest respect for our founding fathers. Collectively,
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Featured image for “Independence Day – The BLACK ROBE REGIMENT”

Independence Day – The BLACK ROBE REGIMENT

As a citizen of the United States of America, we celebrate Independence Day to remember the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, which declared the 13
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Featured image for “Independence Day – What does freedom mean?”

Independence Day – What does freedom mean?

As a citizen of the United States of America, we celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. We celebrate this holiday to remember the signing of the Declaration of Independence in
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