Featured image for “2022 Annual Letter”

2022 Annual Letter

To the Clients of Evergreen Wealth Management, Our team at Evergreen Wealth Management has the responsibility of stewarding the retirement dreams of a large number of amazing families and individuals.
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Featured image for “Q3 2022 Market Update”

Q3 2022 Market Update

Q3 2022 Update – Opportunity Begins On October 14th the Wilshire 5000 index had declined -26.17% from the start of the year while the more tech and growth-heavy Nasdaq had
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Featured image for “Q2 2022 Market Update”

Q2 2022 Market Update

During the first quarter, 2022 the Wilshire 5000 declined -5.89%(Wilshire 5000 return from 12-31-2021 to 3-31-2022). Over the same…

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Featured image for “Understanding Risk”

Understanding Risk

As we continue to tread in choppy waters, we embrace the concept that lower prices benefit net savers long term. Buying more of something while it’s on sale can be
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Featured image for “Q1 2022 Market Update #3”

Q1 2022 Market Update #3

During the first quarter, 2022 the Wilshire 5000 declined -5.89%(Wilshire 5000 return from 12-31-2021 to 3-31-2022). Over the same…

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Featured image for “Q1 2022 Market Update”

Q1 2022 Market Update

During the first quarter, 2022 the Wilshire 5000 declined -5.89%(Wilshire 5000 return from 12-31-2021 to 3-31-2022). Over the same…

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Featured image for “Inflation is Here – Now What?”

Inflation is Here – Now What?

Inflation is clearly a major problem in our country now. Our current inflation rate is 7.9% compared to 1.81% in 2019. How did we get here a

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Featured image for “2021 Annual Letter”

2021 Annual Letter

The year 2021 was generally strong for investments, financial plans, and our business. Despite headwinds such as inflation, supply chain iss

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Featured image for “Q3 2021 Market Update”

Q3 2021 Market Update

Q3 was a bit of a pause on the yearly growth, but markets again roared back to all-time highs in October. This year has continued solid retu

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