Featured image for “What is Your True Risk?”

What is Your True Risk?

Investment Risk or Outcome Uncertainty ?? Understanding the difference between risk and uncertainty will be the key determinant to your success as an investor and possibly your success in life!
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Featured image for “Preparing to Retire in a Down Market”

Preparing to Retire in a Down Market

In an ideal world, your retirement would be timed perfectly. You would be ready to leave the workforce, your debt would be paid off, and your nest egg would be
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Featured image for “Will Social Security Exist When I Need It?”

Will Social Security Exist When I Need It?

Every month we will take a stab at answering some of the “hot button” questions posed by our wonderful clients or find good resources that have answered the questions adequately.
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Featured image for “Second Quarter Market Update”

Second Quarter Market Update

Second quarter continued strong movement upward with the Wilshire 5000 moving forward 2.42% against the continued backdrop of global and interest rate uncertainty. For the year (1-1-2016 to 7-1-2016), the
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Featured image for “The British are Leaving!”

The British are Leaving!

In a shocking vote early this morning, the British people have voted for their economic sovereignty. As a result, Britain will begin its exit from the European Union, a bloc
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Featured image for “What does the Election mean for Investments?”

What does the Election mean for Investments?

What does the election mean for investments? Every month we will take a stab at answering some of the “hot button” questions posed by our wonderful clients or find good
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Featured image for “The Bucket Approach to Investing”

The Bucket Approach to Investing

Evergreen Wealth advocates a “bucket approach” for asset management. We utilize 3 main buckets based on your future cash flow needs. Short term (1-5 years), Medium term (5-10 years), Long
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